• Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 0
  • Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 1
  • Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 2
  • Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 3
  • Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 4
  • Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 5
  • Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 6
  • Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 7
  • Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 8
  • Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 9
  • Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe Photo 10
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe
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Nordstrom Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe


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Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe nwot Blanket scarf long Christmas gift high-end Nwot 100% poly

    Sylvia W. (Seller) 1mo

    listed their item Mer Sea Co wrap scarf shawl cozy ombré gray fringe

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    Profile of Sylvia W.

    Last active 2 days ago

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    • Otherwise, all sales are final.

    Last updated a month ago

    Seller Reviews

    98% of Sylvia’s sales have been rated positively by customers.

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    Super cute, so excited to wear the swimsuit for summer :))

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    Thank you for the fast shipping !

    Review Rating

    It was a little too big for me (my fault) but I really apprecia...

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